Written: 12.5.06 Acquired: 9.2.06 Status: Cart only Price: $11
Publisher: Enix
Released: 3.25.94
Developer: Daft
Scarcity: 3.5
There's weird, and then there's weird
If there was ever a platformer destined to stay in Japan from the moment it was made, this would win by a country mile
It combines an anime feel (based off the anime after all), Japanese wackiness and standard platforming 101 techniques. There are 8 worlds to romp, with multiple levels for each one
Nangoku has a level-up system... any time you kill an enemy a number pops in its place, indicating how many experience points you just gained. After a set amount, you level up. This is pretty cool. A password system is also incorporated
Sweep kick, punch and jump kick your way to victory
Nutthin' like a light morning jog
Punch these blocks for a makeshift bridge to safely guide you across deadly bamboo spikes
Yes, a mid-boss! An umbrell with, uh, one leg...
"A" enables your special power attack (limited)
Rays brilliantly pierce through the forest
When Worms Attack, Part 2!
Hmmm, do we REALLY want to unlock that sucka?
[Actually, you do. No, really -Ed.]
Mr. Potato Head's tough!
Grab the key and unlock the imprisoned worm. It's actually a helper believe it or not
Level 2 of World 2
Prepare for plenty of Asian hi-jinx
You're nimble 'nuff to safely make the jump there
"I like to move it move it"
Mandatory flamin' bit
These moving pillars make for a fun but DEADLY set-piece
WHOA! LINK makes a special appearance!
"Um.... did you take a wrong turn?"
"Wait a sec, OH ****"
Link must have accidentally found a portal. How times have changed in a dozen years...
"I told you, rent was due last week!"
That little chick there is a baddie believe it or not. Odd in'it?
Of course.... of course
Ace backdrop for an ace motif
Oooh, them dreary clouds help make world 7 very atmospheric indeed
I'll leave the rest for you to discover. There's a lot more
Beneath this strange world of offbeat characters lies a pretty standard, yet solid, platformer. Nothing new is found here, but it's enjoyable and everyone I know who has played it, liked it. So too have I. Recommended